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We’re glad you’re here

Our Story

Hi, there!

Mark (the “Farmer”) and I (Susanne, the “Farmer’s Wife”) are proud to offer you the highest quality vegetables, and great personalized service. We don’t just want to sell you ‘a thing,’ but contribute to your health, well-being, and food security, which is far more than just “having” food. Even though, we care about that, too

From our family to yours, we put lots of love and careful attention into each item. We hope you enjoy our work as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.

After leaving the military, Mark, like his father, began farming to supplement his food supply and income. Unable to afford a farm purchase, we leased land—a situation that continues today. Over time, we expanded our leased acreage, grew a wider variety of vegetables, and sold at numerous farmers' markets, including the Hartford Regional Market, Bloomfield, Windsor, Windsor Locks, South Windsor, and others, in addition to our farm stand. Eventually, we also began offering a CSA program.

I grew up with organic farming; my father came from a farming background, and my mother had a long medical background. She had to see if organic worked (long before this was an accepted concept), after she retired from the medical field. We are leaning in that direction as much as possible, but since that word is not what it used to be, I decided to call this eclectic farming minimalistic-alternative.

“We are only as healthy as the soil we live on”


Everything we offer is non-GMO. We also believe in transparency.

If you ask how something was grown—or if, when, or what something might have been treated with—you will get an honest answer.

That is what I would like, and that is what we do.