CSA member selected vegetables for a Half Share.

CSA member selected vegetables for a Half Share. Thank you Lucy, for the picture

Example of a XL Share getting prepared for pick up

(More pictures below)

A Market walk, and you get to shop your CSA items from 5-10 Tables worth of vegetables every week. And this is why a lot of our CSA members keep coming back. Check it out.

There are a few more videos of our Market walks available when you go to the channel.

How our CSA works

We're often told we have the best CSA around (check out "What People Are Saying"!), and we think you'll agree.

We offer a large variety of vegetables, from familiar favorites to exciting new discoveries. Best of all, you have total control over what goes home with you!

With a CSA you also invest in your own food security, because whatever might come up, you have these pickups throughout the season.

With us, what you see is what you get—and you can get what you see!

With some exceptions, you can choose from most of our seasonal harvest, as long as we have enough for everybody in the CSA.

Exceptions are Eggs, Apples, and things like that, as well as Fall crops later on, which open up if you have a Fall CSA. You are welcome to purchase these things.

When we have an abundance of something, you're welcome to extra, but it's your choice. You select all your vegetables yourself each week, the amount dependent on the share you chose (Half, Full, or Fall). We are happy to help you learn what this means for you.

We put our CSA first, making healthy eating fun and easy for you. Here's how it works:

You give us a pre-season payment (the amount depends on how many vegetables you want). The earlier you pay, the more you save! We typically offer an Early Discount as a ‘Sale’ for the previous year's price. If the economy demands a price change upwards, this happens in increments as it gets closer to pickup time. We appreciate the help early payments provide with the heavy spring costs when there is no income, and help you out as well.

We no longer use discount codes; we simply take care of you from the start and you get extra vegetables as a cash discount if you want to spare us processing fees.

Then, each week during the season, you stop by our market at our location and choose what you want, just like retail shopping. You essentially commit to shopping with us, and that's why we do a market-style CSA—it's that simple!

The pricing is per bag and significantly lower than retail. And that doesn't even include the generous extras we often include "outside" the bag!

You also get complete support. We are happy to introduce you to vegetables you don’t know, we can advise how to best store and cook your vegetables, and if you want to preserve some with freezing, canning, drying, etc, we can help you as well. Often enough you will meet other CSA or retail customers who enjoy culinary conversations if you’re interested in pursuing that.

You will receive our Newsletter with important information and updates. We are no longer sending it every week, but we make sure to share things you need to know, or might want to know. This starts a week before CSA pickup starts to make sure you will be notified when pickup starts. This way you don’t have to worry about missing it.

Please read the important information below before signing up.

With a CSA, you pay upfront and then shop weekly at our market during the season. We encourage you to compare our CSA with othersa CSA should be something to look forward to, and every one offers something a little different. Math out what you get for your money, find out when and where to pick up, what if you can’t make a pickup, what if you don’t like something, can you choose what you like from most everything, can you bring your own bags, who will answer questions you might have, who are the people, is that your ‘vibe’ whatever you can think of. It needs to fit you.

  • Sharing a Share Policy: We no longer allow sharing a single CSA share. One person must purchase and pick up the share. You're welcome to split the produce however you like afterward, but it's treated as one share. You can always purchase extra items (the "one per share" items) so both parties have them. But both can sign up for the Newsletter and you can take turns with the pickup.

  • Bags: Please bring the number and size of bags you signed up for. You can bring extra bags to organize your selections within your main bag/s, but this helps avoid misunderstandings for others. You are also welcome to use the bags we provide.

  • Risk Sharing and Refunds: By purchasing a share, you agree that you understand there is risk sharing involved, and no refunds are given by default. This is clearly stated in our descriptions, and we ask for your signature at the start of the CSA season to ensure everyone understands. This serves as a binding contract.

  • If you do not agree to these terms, please do not purchase a CSA share.

We commit to doing everything in our power to deliver your CSA share as expected and to make this a pleasant experience. We'd love to serve you!

As one of our customers perfectly put it:

"Everyone is leaving with big smiles and full bags"—as it should be!

General CSA Overview; What is a CSA:

A Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program is a partnership between a farm and a community of consumers. Essentially, it's a way for people to buy local, fresh produce directly from a farmer. Key aspects are:

  • Pre-Season Investment: CSA members pay upfront at the beginning of the growing season (usually spring) to purchase a "share" of the farm's harvest. This early payment provides the farmer with crucial operating capital for the season (seeds, equipment, labor, etc.).

  • Shared Risk and Reward: CSA members share in the risks and rewards of farming. If the harvest is bountiful, members receive a generous amount of produce. If there are crop failures or other challenges, members share in those losses as well (though most farms work hard to minimize this). This shared risk is a fundamental principle of CSA.

  • Weekly or Regular Produce: Throughout the growing season, CSA members receive a regular supply of fresh produce. This is usually a weekly pickup at the farm or a designated location.

  • Connection to the Farm: CSAs foster a direct connection between consumers and the farm. Members might have the opportunity to visit the farm, learn about how their food is grown, and get to know the farmers.

  • Support for Local Agriculture: By joining a CSA, members are directly supporting local, sustainable agriculture and contributing to the economic viability of their local farms.

  • Access to Fresh, Seasonal Food: CSA members enjoy access to the freshest, most seasonal produce available, often including varieties they might not find in a typical grocery store.

In short, a CSA is a mutually beneficial agreement. Farmers receive financial support at a critical time, and consumers receive a consistent supply of fresh, local produce and a deeper connection to their food source. It's a way to invest in local agriculture and enjoy the bounty of the harvest.